BIALETTI Original Bialetti capsules Decaffeinated BIABIADEK001 Bialetti Decaffeinato Original Capsules are the ideal choice for those who want to enjoy the authentic taste of Italian espresso without the caffeine. These capsules offer a strong and rich coffee experience, but without the stimulating effects of caffeine. View
BEANS AND GROUND BIALETTI - Macinato - Caffè - DeK Perfetto Moka 250 gr - Conf. 1 - Box 6 BIAMCNCAF002 View
BEANS AND GROUND BIALETTI - Macinato - Caffè - Classico Perfetto Moka 250 gr - Conf. 1 - Box 6 BIAMCNCAF006 View
BEANS AND GROUND BIALETTI - Macinato - Caffè - Delicato Perfetto Moka 250 gr - Conf. 1 - Box 6 BIAMCNCAF007 View
LAVAZZA A MODO MIO 100 Lavazza a Modo Mio Blue compatible capsules - Borbone Blu BORAMMCAF002 With an excellent roast level and the right dosage of Arabica and Robusta, it is a coffee with a balanced taste. View
LAVAZZA A MODO MIO 100 Lavazza a Modo Mio compatible capsules Rossa - Borbone BORAMMCAF003 With its strong and decisive flavour, it is the ideal coffee to give yourself a jolt of vitality. View
LAVAZZA A MODO MIO 100 Lavazza a Modo Mio compatible capsules Nera - Borbone BORAMMCAF004 The must-have coffee for lovers of creaminess. View
LAVAZZA A MODO MIO 50 Compatible Lavazza A Modo Mio Nera Capsules - BORBONE BORAMMCAF005 With a strong and decisive taste, full-bodied, creamy and at the same time perfectly toasted and dosed to give you a unique, decisive and so good coffee that after tasting it you would want to recommend it to your trusted bar. View
LAVAZZA A MODO MIO 50 Compatible Lavazza A Modo Mio Blu capsules - BORBONE BORAMMCAF006 Obtained from the selection of blends for a perfect balance between body, persistence and sweetness. The Blu blend is characterized by its noble flavour, vigorous character and intense aroma. View
LAVAZZA A MODO MIO 50 Lavazza A Modo Mio compatible capsules Rossa - BORBONE BORAMMCAF007 Strong, decisive, full-bodied and with a clean taste, just right to give you a boost of energy. View
LAVAZZA A MODO MIO 50 Lavazza A Modo Mio Oro compatible capsules - BORBONE BORAMMCAF008 Perfect synthesis between taste and refinement, creaminess, sweetness, character, the Oro blend satisfies even the most demanding palates who wish to sip the true flavor of beautiful Naples. View