Home 100 CAPSULES COMPATIBLE LAVAZZA A MODO MIO - ZITO COFFEE PRIMO ZITAMMCAF001 100 Capsules compatible with Lavazza a Modo Mio Zito Coffee Primo selection Strong and creamy taste. View
Home 48 CAPSULES COMPATIBLE DOLCE GUSTO - ZITO CAFFÈ PRIMO ZITD-GCAF001 The Primo blend, with its high percentage of top-quality Robusta, is perfect for those who love espresso coffee with a strong flavour and intense creaminess. The special packaging of only 8 pieces guarantees that, once the packet is opened, the fragrance of the coffee is preserved, as if it had just been roasted. View
Home 50 CAPSULES COMPATIBLE DOLCE GUSTO - ZITO COFFEE PRIMO ZITD-GCAF002 50 Dolce Gusto Zito Coffee Primo compatible capsules individually packaged Strong and creamy taste View
Home 100 CAPSULES COMPATIBLE NESPRESSO - ZITO COFFEE - PRIMO ZITNESCAF002 100 compatible capsules Nespresso Zito Coffee Primo Coffee Mixture with a strong and creamy taste View
NESPRESSO Nespresso compatible Tisana Regularity capsules 10x12cps - L'ANGELICA LNGNESTIS005 Functional herbal tea in capsules with Rhubarb, Liquorice and Fennel promotes bowel regularity and stimulates digestive functions. 12 CAPSULES x 10 BOXES View
COMPATIBLE 90 capsules CORTADO compatible Lavazza Firma and Vitha Group - OCS ON CAFFE ONCFRMSOL002 90 Capsules Herbal Teas and Instant OCS ON CAFFE CORTADO Lavazza Firma and Vitha Group compatible in 10 bags of 10 capsules each View
COMPATIBLE 90 Capsules BARLEY compatible Lavazza Firma and Vitha Group - OCS ON CAFFE ONCFRMSOL004 90 Capsules Herbal Tea and Solubles OCS ON CAFFE BARLEY compatible Lavazza Firma and Vitha Group divided in 10 bags of 10 capsules each View