NESCAFÈ DOLCEGUSTO Nestlè Dolce Gusto Passione Dolce Classic 6x16cps compatible capsules - LOLLO LOLD-GCAF004 Classico espresso is the traditional blend with a balanced and full-bodied taste. A break of roasted notes that delights the palate with its creamy, honey-toned crema and all the aroma of classic Neapolitan coffee. View
NESCAFÈ DOLCEGUSTO Nestlè Dolce Gusto Nero blend 6x16cps compatible capsules - Lollo LOLD-GCAF005 Nero espresso is the strong-tasting, energetic blend with just the right touch of robusta to lend strength and body to the cup. View
NESCAFÈ DOLCEGUSTO Nestlè Dolce Gusto Oro blend 6x16cps compatible capsules - Lollo LOLD-GCAF006 Oro espresso is the blend with a fine, velvety taste and a higher proportion of Arabica, which lends a fine, unmistakable aroma to the cup. View
NESCAFÈ DOLCEGUSTO Nestlè Dolce Gusto Argento blend 6x16cps compatible capsules - Lollo LOLD-GCAF013 Argento espresso is the strong-tasting, energetic blend with just the right touch of robusta to lend strength and body to the cup. A strong and sincere coffee that awakens all the senses with its creaminess and intense aftertaste. View
NESCAFÈ DOLCEGUSTO Nestlè Dolce Gusto decaffeinated blend 6x16cps compatible capsules - Lollo LOLD-GDEK002 Dek espresso is the original decaffeinated blend that preserves all the taste of Lollo coffee. View
COMPATIBLE 50 Capsules Compatible Dolce Gusto blend Intenso - verzì VRZD-GCAF001 50 Coffee Verzì Capsules Compatible Dolce Gusto Intenso blend Individually Bagged !!! View
COMPATIBLE 50 Capsules Ricco Blend Compatible Dolce Gusto - Verzì VRZD-GCAF002 50 individually wrapped capsules of Caffè Verzì Compatible Dolce Gusto blend Ricco View
COMPATIBLE 50 Capsules Blend Dolce Compatible Dolce Gusto - Verzì VRZD-GCAF003 Composed of the sweetest and finest coffees that bring out its particularly aromatic taste, this blend is created for a full-bodied coffee. View
COMPATIBLE 30 Capsules Espresso Gran Crema Compatible Dolce Gusto - Verzì VRZD-GCAF005 Box of 30 pieces - Espresso Gran Crema - Dolce Gusto compatible capsules - Verzì View
NESCAFÈ DOLCEGUSTO 30 Capsules Ginseng Compatible Dolce Gusto - Verzi VRZD-GSOL001 Pack of 30 Dolce Gusto Ginseng compatible capsules View
NESCAFÈ DOLCEGUSTO 30 Capsules Eggnog compatible Dolce Gusto - Verzi VRZD-GSOL002 Packaging of 30 capsules Dolce Gusto Eggnog View