LAVAZZA A MODO MIO 100 capsules compatible A Modo Mio blend Classica - Toraldo TRLAMMCAF001 100 CAPSULES COMPATIBLE A MODO MIO MIXTURE CLASSICA TORALDO Sublime aroma, strong body and compact creaminess. A round and chocolate aftertaste. View
LAVAZZA A MODO MIO 100 A modo mio compatible capsules Aromatica - Toraldo TRLAMMCAF002 100 CAPSULES COMPATIBLE A MODO MIO AROMATICA - TORALDO A balance of aromas characterises this refined and delicate blend with an intense aftertaste. View
New LAVAZZA A MODO MIO copy of 100 capsules compatible A Modo Mio blend Classica - Toraldo TRLAMMCAF004 100 CAPSULES COMPATIBLE A MODO MIO MIXTURE CLASSICA TORALDO Sublime aroma, strong body and compact creaminess. A round and chocolate aftertaste. View
BIALETTI 100 capsules compatible Bialetti mixture Classica - Toraldo TRLBIACAF001 100 CAPSULES COMPATIBLE BIALETTI CLASSIC BLEND TORALDO Sublime aroma, strong body and compact creaminess. A round and chocolate aftertaste. View
Home 150 paper pods 44 mm Arabica - Toraldo TRLCLDCAF002 150 paper pods 44 mm Arabica - Toraldo A precious and refined blend with an intense fruity aftertaste View
PAPER PODS ESE 44 mm 150 paper pods ESE 44 Cremosa - Toraldo TRLCLDCAF003 150 PODS ESE 44 CREMOSO TORALDO Mixture with the unmistakable taste of a strong and decisive espresso with a full and fragrant aroma. RECOMMENDED RETAIL PRICE 20€ View
Home 100 CAPSULES COMPATIBLE LAVAZZA A MODO MIO - ZITO COFFEE PRIMO ZITAMMCAF001 100 Capsules compatible with Lavazza a Modo Mio Zito Coffee Primo selection Strong and creamy taste. View
Toraldo 100 Lavazza Firma Gourmet blend compatible capsules - Toraldo TRLFRMCAF003 100 CAPSULES COMPATIBLE LAVAZZA FIRMA GOURMET BLEND TORALDO A fragrant and velvety, full-bodied blend with an intense, fruity aftertaste View
Toraldo 100 Lavazza compatible capsules Firma blend Decaffeinato - Toraldo TRLFRMDEK001 100 CAPSULES COMPATIBLE NESPRESSO DECAFFEINATED BLEND TORALDO A delicate, balanced and sweet decaf with a full body and a persistent aftertaste. View