Home 100 CAPSULES COMPATIBLE LAVAZZA A MODO MIO - ZITO COFFEE PRIMO ZITAMMCAF001 100 Capsules compatible with Lavazza a Modo Mio Zito Coffee Primo selection Strong and creamy taste. View
LAVAZZA ESPRESSO POINT 100 capsules compatible CREMA AROMA Espresso Point - Lavazza LAVEXPCAF003 An espresso with a strong taste and strong but sweet, with excellent body and an intense and persistent aftertaste. The grinding of this product makes it perfect for preparing even long coffees. 100 CAPSULES x 1 BOX View
LAVAZZA A MODO MIO 100 Compatible Lavazza A Modo Mio Gold capsules - Borbone BORAMMCAF001 Coffee with the taste and aroma of Neapolitan espresso View
Home 150 paper pods 44 mm Arabica - Toraldo TRLCLDCAF002 150 paper pods 44 mm Arabica - Toraldo A precious and refined blend with an intense fruity aftertaste View
BRANDS A Modo Mio compatible capsules CREMA E GUSTO CLASSICO 4x54cps - LAVAZZA LAVAMMCAF027 From the encounter of Brazilian Arabica and African and Asian Robusta, a full-bodied and aromatic espresso, enhanced by slightly spicy, chocolatey, liqueur-like notes. 54 CAPSULE x 4 BOX View
NESPRESSO 100 compatible capsules Nespresso Rossa - Borbone BORNESCAF003 With the Respresso Miscela Rossa compatible capsules you can enjoy a coffee with a strong and decisive character that is pure energy in taste. View
NESCAFÈ DOLCEGUSTO Nestlè Dolce Gusto Passione Dolce Classic 6x16cps compatible capsules - LOLLO LOLD-GCAF004 Classico espresso is the traditional blend with a balanced and full-bodied taste. A break of roasted notes that delights the palate with its creamy, honey-toned crema and all the aroma of classic Neapolitan coffee. View
NESCAFÈ DOLCEGUSTO 90 capsules compatible Dolce Gusto Cortado - NESTLE' NSTD-GL-C031 Discover our Cortado, inspired by the famous Spanish recipe. This short, vigorous espresso, made from a blend of fine Arabica and Robusta beans, stands out for its roasted notes and rich aromas balanced by a dash of milk. View
Toraldo 100 Dolce Gusto Classico compatible capsules - Toraldo TRLD-GCAF004 100 TORALDO DOLCE GUSTO CLASSICO COMPATIBLE CAPSULES Sublime aroma, strong body and compact creaminess. A round, chocolatey aftertaste. 20 CAPSULES X 5 BOXES View
NESPRESSO 100 Nespresso Oro Compatible Capsules - LOLLO LOLNESCAF004 Oro espresso is the fine and velvety tasting blend with a higher percentage of arabica, which gives a fine and unmistakable aroma to the cup. View
LAVAZZA A MODO MIO 50 A Modo Mio compatible capsules Meraviglie del Gusto Pompei - KIMBO Kimbo KIMAMMCAF005 View