PAPER PODS ESE 44 mm 150 paper pods ESE 44 Cremosa - Toraldo TRLCLDCAF003 150 PODS ESE 44 CREMOSO TORALDO Mixture with the unmistakable taste of a strong and decisive espresso with a full and fragrant aroma. RECOMMENDED RETAIL PRICE 20€ View
NESPRESSO 50 Nespresso Rossa compatible capsules - BORBONE BORNESCAF006 Pure energy in the taste, strong and creamy and delicious at the same time. It has a decisive and persistent character that instills a deep sensation of pleasure on the palate, for a magical sensation. 100% selected robust. View
NESCAFÈ DOLCEGUSTO Dolce Gusto Compatible Capsules Rossa 6x15cps - BORBONE BORD-GCAF003 90 Capsules Caffè Borbone Dolce Gusto compatible RED blend divided into 6 boxes of 15 capsules each View
LAVAZZA A MODO MIO 50 Compatible Lavazza A Modo Mio Blu capsules - BORBONE BORAMMCAF006 Obtained from the selection of blends for a perfect balance between body, persistence and sweetness. The Blu blend is characterized by its noble flavour, vigorous character and intense aroma. View
NESCAFÈ DOLCEGUSTO Dolce Gusto Blu compatible capsules 6x15cps - BORBONE BORD-GCAF001 Obtained from the selection of blends for a perfect balance between body, persistence and sweetness. The Blu blend is characterized by its noble flavour, vigorous character and intense aroma. View
NESCAFÈ DOLCEGUSTO Nestlè Dolce Gusto Argento blend 6x16cps compatible capsules - Lollo LOLD-GCAF013 Argento espresso is the strong-tasting, energetic blend with just the right touch of robusta to lend strength and body to the cup. A strong and sincere coffee that awakens all the senses with its creaminess and intense aftertaste. View
LAVAZZA ESPRESSO POINT 50 Espresso Point Compatible Capsules Rossa - BORBONE BOREXPCAF005 Body Sweetness Aroma Intensity View
ILLY IPERESPRESSO Original Illy Iperespresso monorigin Brazil capsules 6x18cps - ILLY ILLILICAF015 Illy Original Iperespresso Monorigine Brazil capsules bring the essence of the Brazilian coffee experience directly into your cup. These capsules are a celebration of Brazil's rich coffee-making tradition, capturing the unique aroma and taste of this region. View
COMPATIBLE 50 Capsules Ricco Blend Compatible Dolce Gusto - Verzì VRZD-GCAF002 50 individually wrapped capsules of Caffè Verzì Compatible Dolce Gusto blend Ricco View
LAVAZZA A MODO MIO 50 Lavazza A Modo Mio compatible capsules Rossa - BORBONE BORAMMCAF007 Strong, decisive, full-bodied and with a clean taste, just right to give you a boost of energy. View
NESPRESSO 100 Nespresso compatible capsules Decaffeinated - LOLLO Lollo LOLNESDEK002 Body Sweetness Aroma Intensity View