Sweets Chocup Mini cc30 28x5biscuits - FOODRINKS FDDBISCOT003 The delicious 30 ml chocolate wafer is the ideal base for snacks and genuine snacks. Chocup® Mini is ideal for espresso coffee, but also for brandy, whisky creams or to enjoy mini ice cream and dessert portions. View
NESCAFÈ DOLCEGUSTO Dolce Gusto Nesquik 3x16cps compatible capsules - NESTLE' NSTD-GL-C006 The classic taste of Nesquik as you've never tasted it before: insert the capsule into the coffee machine and enjoy your favourite chocolate drink, covered with a generous layer of cream. 16 CAPSULES x 3 BOXES View
Home 50 Nespresso compatible capsules Meraviglie del Gusto Capri - KIMBO KIMNESCAF012 An enveloping blend with an intense flavour and delicate aromas. View
Wine glasses 6 Santero Glasses - Yellow SNTACCALT002 PACK OF 6 SANTERO GLASSES RECOMMENDED RETAIL PRICE: € 23.90 Sold individually at € 4.00 each. Unique style and design for the 958 signature goblet made of tritan with recyclable raw materials, bisphenol-free, unbreakable and dishwasher-safe. Perfect for toasting on any occasion and in total safety. View
Wine glasses 6 Santero Glasses - Red SNTACCALT008 6-PACK OF SANTERO GLASSES Unique style and design for the 958 signature goblet made of tritan with recyclable raw materials, bisphenol-free, unbreakable and dishwasher-safe. Perfect for toasting on any occasion and in total safety. View
NESPRESSO 100 Nespresso Classico Compatible Capsules - LOLLO LOLNESCAF006 A break of roasted notes that delights the palate with its honey-tinged crema, with all the aroma of classic Neapolitan coffee. View
LAVAZZA A MODO MIO 50 Compatible Lavazza A Modo Mio Blu capsules - BORBONE BORAMMCAF006 Obtained from the selection of blends for a perfect balance between body, persistence and sweetness. The Blu blend is characterized by its noble flavour, vigorous character and intense aroma. View
PAPER PODS ESE 44 mm 50 ESE paper filter pods 44mm Blu - BORBONE BORCLDCAF005 With a balanced and round taste, full-bodied, creamy and at the same time perfectly toasted and dosed to give you a unique coffee, soft and so good that after tasting it you would like to recommend it to your trusted bar. View
BEANS AND GROUND Cream Bar Grains (classic) 6x1 kg - LOLLO LOLGRNCAF002 Nero espresso is the strong-tasting, energetic blend with just the right touch of robusta to add strength and body to the cup. View
UNO SYSTEM 100 Compatible Illy Uno System Passion Plus Nero Capsules - LOLLO LOLIL1CAF001 Nero Espresso, a strong-tasting, energetic blend with just the right touch of robusta to lend strength and body to the cup. An essential and sincere coffee to awaken all the senses with an irresistible creaminess and the sprint of its intense aftertaste. View
Cups, cups and glasses 6 White Cups - Borbone Borbone BORACCALT002 They retain the warmth and aroma of the coffee and then both the shape and colour do not tend to change over time, even if the cups are used every day. View