COMPATIBLE Dolce Gusto Ginger and Lemon 8x10cps compatible capsules - DolceVita ITFD-GSOL119 Ginger leaf drink. All the strength of ginger combined with the freshness of lemon. Sugar-free. 8 CAPSULES x 10 BOX View
BRANDS 100 capsules compatible blue INTENSO - Lavazza LAVBLUCAF009 The perfect combination of Arabica and Robusta coffee blends. An innovative extraction method allows you to obtain a particularly intense and creamy espresso. A real treat! View
NESCAFÈ DOLCEGUSTO 128 Capsules CREME BRULEE compatible Dolce Gusto - TODA IGPDD-GSOL019 Toda Gattopardo - Dolce Crème Brulee 128 capsules (Master Carton with 8 bags of 16 capsules each) Capsules compatible with Dolce Gusto machines. View
LAVAZZA BLUE 100 Compatible Lavazza Blue Classico capsules - LOLLO LOLBLUCAF002 Classico espresso is the traditional blend with a balanced and full-bodied taste. A break of roasted notes that delights the palate with its creamy, honey-toned crema and all the aroma of classic Neapolitan coffee. View
COMPATIBLE A Modo Mio compatible capsules DEK 2x48cps - COVIM CVMAMMCAF012 Sweet and creamy. A real espresso even without caffeine. No more than 0.10 % caffeine content. View
Toraldo 100 Lavazza Firma Gourmet blend compatible capsules - Toraldo TRLFRMCAF003 100 CAPSULES COMPATIBLE LAVAZZA FIRMA GOURMET BLEND TORALDO A fragrant and velvety, full-bodied blend with an intense, fruity aftertaste View
Coffee makers Moka Induction 6-cup coffee makers - BIALETTI BIABIAACC071 Moka Induction is the first Moka pot suitable for use on induction hobs. The innovative bi-layer boiler technology allows for a high-performance product: the outer steel layer guarantees operation even on induction hobs, while the inner aluminium layer ensures even heat distribution. View
COMPATIBLE 50 Capsules Compatible Dolce Gusto blend Intenso - verzì VRZD-GCAF001 50 Coffee Verzì Capsules Compatible Dolce Gusto Intenso blend Individually Bagged !!! View
ESPRESSO TUO - LUI - COOP 100 Capsules Compatible Fior Fiore Coop and Lui L' Espresso blend Ricco - Verzì VRZFFCCAF001 A blend of fine coffees with a smooth taste, perfumed aroma, refined, sweet flavour and excellent intensity. View