LAVAZZA ESPRESSO POINT 50 Espresso Point Oro compatible capsules - BORBONE BOREXPCAF008 Body Sweetness Aroma Intensity View
Coffee makers Moka Induction 6-cup coffee makers - BIALETTI BIABIAACC071 Moka Induction is the first Moka pot suitable for use on induction hobs. The innovative bi-layer boiler technology allows for a high-performance product: the outer steel layer guarantees operation even on induction hobs, while the inner aluminium layer ensures even heat distribution. View
PAPER PODS ESE 44 mm 50 ESE paper filter pods 44mm Blu - BORBONE BORCLDCAF005 With a balanced and round taste, full-bodied, creamy and at the same time perfectly toasted and dosed to give you a unique coffee, soft and so good that after tasting it you would like to recommend it to your trusted bar. View
NESCAFÈ DOLCEGUSTO 90 capsules compatible Dolce Gusto Cortado - NESTLE' NSTD-GL-C031 Discover our Cortado, inspired by the famous Spanish recipe. This short, vigorous espresso, made from a blend of fine Arabica and Robusta beans, stands out for its roasted notes and rich aromas balanced by a dash of milk. View
LAVAZZA A MODO MIO 100 Lavazza a Modo Mio compatible capsules Passione Mio Silver - LOLLO LOLAMMCAF007 Nero espresso is the strong-tasting, energetic blend with just the right touch of robusta to lend strength and body to the cup. A strong and sincere coffee that awakens all the senses with its creaminess and intense aftertaste. View
NESPRESSO 100 Nespresso compatible capsules Blu - Borbone BORNESCAF001 Only with the compatible Respresso Miscela Blu capsules can you enjoy a coffee that expresses the perfect balance between body, persistence and sweetness. View
NESCAFÈ DOLCEGUSTO 90 Dolce Gusto Napoli compatible capsules - NESTLE' NSTD-GCAF054 Since the 18th century, coffee has been synonymous with genuine passion in Naples. Relive the atmosphere of the Neapolitan coffee houses with this Espresso Napoli and enjoy a short, intense and extraordinarily overwhelming in-cup result, made with fine pure Arabica and Robusta beans from Uganda, Brazil and Colombia. View
COMPATIBLE A Modo Mio compatible capsules GOLD ARABICA 2x48cps - COVIM CVMAMMCAF011 Great aromaticity, heady and intense perfume, it has a pleasant and balanced acidity. View
LAVAZZA A MODO MIO 128 NOCCIOLINO Capsules compatible A Modo Mio - Toda Gattopardo IGPAMMSOL006 Toda Gattopardo - MY NOCCIOLINO128 capsule (Master Carton with 8 bags of 16 capsules each) Capsules compatible with Lavazza coffee machines A Modo Mio. View
COMPATIBLE 30 Capsules Espresso Gran Crema Compatible Dolce Gusto - Verzì VRZD-GCAF005 Box of 30 pieces - Espresso Gran Crema - Dolce Gusto compatible capsules - Verzì View
New PAPER PODS copy of ACC - didiesse BABY FROG pod coffee machine FROCLDMAC008 PLEASE NOTE: images are for illustration purposes only. Product colour may vary depending on stock availability. Baby Frog is the smaller version of the historic waffle maker that has identified the company for over 20 years. With 'retro' charm but an even more attractive design, the Baby Frog is practical, functional, reliable, and above all easy to... View